Dragon Tao Kung Fu does not use physical strength but instead the mind's control over the body to achieve extremely high levels of power. Our system is not only a set of techniques for fighting, but a complete internal martial art. The benefit's this has over other fighting systems is enormousness, and will not only improve your ability to defend yourself, but your life as a whole.
And the best part... anyone of any age, or size, can learn and see all of the amazing benefit's it will bring!
History of Wing Chun
There are a number of different theories to the origins of Wing Chun. The most common one is that it was created over 300 years ago by a Buddhist Nun in the Shoalin Temple. Her name was Ng Mei and she created a style that was highly effective, anybody could learn it, and it was designed to beat all other styles.
Another theory that has surfaced recently is that it’s origins were originally hidden as it was developed in secret to fight against the Manchurian rulers of China. The Manchus had discovers rebels were hiding in the Shoalin temples, and therefore they (the Manchus) learnt the martial arts styles of the time to defeat these rebels. This lead to the essential development of Wing Chun, by the rebels, as a style that could be quickly learnt and could beat any other style it faced.
Whichever of these theories you believe one thing is certain, Wing Chun was developed to be a highly effective style against other opponents that anyone could learn.
Since then the style has been passed down through the famous Ip Man (who also taught Bruce Lee) to one of his top students Chu Shong Tin, who taught our head Instructor Scott, in Hong Kong, until his passing in 2014.
In learning Wing Chun it provides many benefits to the practitioner, including things such as health and fitness, confidence, ability to defend oneself, ability to relax physically, a calm mind, and a skill that may one day save your, or someone elses, life.
Everyone that trains in Wing Chun instantly loves it’s simple yet effective movements, but also looks forward to delving into it’s more advanced complexities. It is a style you can learn fast, but then keep on learning for as long as you want.
Lineage Tree

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