Our Instructors

Sifu Scott Smith
Scott Smith has trained in martial arts since 1988. During this time he discovered Wing Chun Kung Fu and has been training in this martial art of choice since 1998. Having also trained regularly in Hong Kong with the late Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin (a rare priviledge for anyone), and other top Masters, he has learnt skills directly from the worlds leading sources of Wing Chun first hand.
Along side martial arts Scott has also trained in mind/body related skills such as Chi Kung (qigong) and meditation. He incorporates these aspects into his teaching to provide a complete mind/body approach to the martial arts.
Open minded towards all martial arts Scott is passionate about them and wishes to spread his knowledge to anyone willing to learn.

Instructor Zander
Zander Smit started training in July 2011 and, apart from being naturally gifted in Wing Chun, has trained consistently since. Highly skilled, and a Senior Black Belt, Instructor Zander now assists Sifu Scott with teaching many adults, and childrens classes, and is also the lead Instructor for the Wednesday Kid’s, and Wednesday Mona Vale Adults, classes.

Instructor Justin
Justin Grieg began training at Dragon Tao Kung Fu in 2010. He always showed a natural ability at Wing Chun and in 2014 was awarded the title of Assistant Instructor. After reaching Black Belt level Justin was once again promoted, this time to a full Instructor. Justin’s skill shows, and his ability to teach is of a very high level.

Instructor Chris
Chris Lay has trained in Wing Chun Kung Fu since 2011, and has also trained extensively in Judo. Training nearly every day Chris quickly became very skilled and fell in love with the intricacies of Wing Chun.
Dedicating himself to the art Chris continues to grow not only as a great practitioner but also as a skilled Instructor.

Instructor Brett
Brett Elvy has trained in many different martial arts including having reached Black Belt in Taekwondo. He began training in Wing Chun, at Dragon Tao Kung Fu, in July 2015 and upon reaching his Black Belt was promoted to Instructor. Disciplined, hard working, and very skilled, Instructor Brett is a great addition to the Instructor team.

Noi – Massage Therapist and Thai Yoga Instructor
Noi has many years experience applying Thai traditional medicine in one of Thailand’s biggest hospitals. It is considered that a person must be proficient in Lersi Dat Ton (Thai Yoga) to be able to apply Thai massage effectively. Because of this Noi learnt Lersi Dat Ton to a high level as part of her 5 year Univeristy Medical Degree in Applying Thai Traditional Medicine. Since then she was part of a team that wrote, researched, and published two books on the practice. These books are now used by the Thai traditional medicine community.