Knife Defence and Qigong Workshop plus Hong Kong Master Visit

Knife Defence Workshop

Amazing first day of Knife Defence with Aimo Javier from Tai Chi Forest.
We learnt how to handle knives so we could simulate realistic attacks. That way we could learn how to defend with better realism. The concepts fitted in perfect with our Wing Chun and showed how CST Wing Chun methods can ultimately be used in everything.

The second day with Aimo Javier was even more amazing. We did Neigong and Qigong with focus on the ‘Five Rings’.
Many students commented how it was almost identical to what we do in CST Wing Chun, just with the approach coming from a different angle. Definitely helped a lot with understanding and the feeling for our Wing Chun method.
Being open to these sorts of experiences will only help us grow and improve.

Thanks once again to the knowledgeable and skilled Aimo for such a fantastic weekend. All the attendees said they were so glad they came and that it was an incredible experience.

And a big thank you to Sisuk Peter for another fantastic and inspiring seminar. Peter is a Sifu from Hong Kong and was one of Sigung Chu Shong Tin’s top students, so we were very privileged to have him run a seminar at our school in Mona Vale. Covering the structure, and power, of striking the session was extremely beneficial as always.

CST Wing Chun is unique (and amazing) and these events give the students even more appreciation of what can achieved with consistent practice.