New Dee Why Kids Class off to a Great Start

Kids Kung Fu Dee Why

Our new Kids Kung Fu class at Dee Why is off to a great start. Interest has been excellent with more free trial lessons still booked in over the coming weeks. The class is filling fast.
Instructor Chris is great with the kids and they are all loving it. Great to see the next generation gaining the amazing advantages and life skills that we love passing on!

Our kids classes are all about helping the kids gain confidence, skill, leadership, relaxation and focus. Many of the students also go on to become Trainee Instructors, which helps build self esteem and leadership skills.

All classes have a limited number of students (we have a waiting list if required) and two Instructors to make sure the kids get the most out of each lesson.

The details for the Dee Why Class are:
Time: Tuesdays 4:00-5:00pm
Location: Dee Why Scout Hall, 17 Arthur St. Dee Why.

To find out more check out Kids Kung Fu in Dee Why.